Live Model Art Class: Weeks 1-4 The Complete Series Read online

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  Gina and Lily both turned their heads to see that most of the class was now naked and paired off pleasuring each other while watching the models on the bed. Lily kissed Gina’s thigh to get her attention and said just loud enough to hear, “You can fake it if you don’t feel comfortable.” Gina looked at the wet pussy in front of her and caught the intoxicating scent and knew she could only respond in one way. With a wicked smile she stuck out her tongue and swiped it from Lily’s hard little clit all the way down past her wet pussy and down to the dark little hidden hole between her cheeks making Lily wiggle to get closer. “You keep doing that and I will go off like a rocket honey.” Gina giggled into the pussy in front of her unknowingly causing a wonderful vibration.

  The two were soon lost in the tastes and sounds of their bodies oblivious to the world around them. Neither one noticed the hot model Don who had approached the bed and was standing over them masturbating preparing to squirt his load on both of them. The class ran a little over but no one complained they were all too exhausted from multiple orgasms!

  Live Model Art Class

  Week 3

  By Veronica Lynne

  Getting Ready For Class

  Gina walked into the Art Class feeling more comfortable after the last two weeks. She hadn’t known what she was getting herself into when she signed up to be a live model. She knew she would be posing for an art class but had no idea until after getting paid that the class was about sexual positions and most of the time she would be posing with other models. The first week she posed by herself but last week she posed with Lily. She was surprised at how comfortable she had been by the end of the class. Gina had never been intimate with another woman before but by the end of last week she had been up close and personal with Lily’s pussy. Gina smiled to herself, proud that she had handled what could have been an awkward situation.

  She knew that this week her posing would be with the hunky model Don who she met her first week posing in front of the class. She was thankful that he was a laid back kind of guy. She thought she would probably be as relaxed as a girl could be posing naked with an unfamiliar man in front of a class of strangers. Yeah, there was the class to think about. The class certainly got into the subject matter! Gina had been startled the few times she had broken her pose to look out into the class and watched students masturbating. The suggestions that the students gave to make changes to the poses were sexy and challenging. Then there was the teacher, Missy was a hot number that couldn’t seem to keep her hands to herself. If it wasn’t one of the models it was one of the students. At least once during each class she had her hands or mouth busy. She probably volunteered to teach the class!

  A soft hand landed on Gina’s ass squeezing gently, “Hey girl are you ready for the big guy today?” Lilly giggled as she gave Gina kiss on the cheek. Gina rolled her eyes but assured Lily that after last week she thought she could handle almost anything. “Well you best be prepared because he has a lot to handle.” Lily winked at Gina as a blush stole up her cheeks. Before Gina could say anything else Don strolled up with a towel around his waist ready for class to begin. “Are you girls fighting over me already? I have more than enough to share.” Lily and Gina burst into laughter and Gina responded, “That is what I heard.” Missy walked over to the models and asked if they were ready because all the students were ready. They hadn’t realized they were talking that long and moved to set up for their poses.

  Posing For Class

  Ms Sims walked to the front of the class to begin the session. “Today is our third session of a four week course titled Live Model Art & Sexual Positions. My name is Ms Sims but since we are all getting comfortable you can call me Missy. (There was some quiet laughter) Now today we will have Gina and Don posing for us. As in the past the models will pose in four different positions that I will introduce and allow you time to sketch. We will have a break then the class will get an opportunity to make suggestions and comments about the poses. During the second half is when we will make any changes to the poses that you need to enhance your sketches. Please be respectful of our models at all times. Yes I know it is sexy so if you are carried away by your hormones we are all adults and no one will judge.

  ”For the first pose I want Don and Gina to stand face to face with Gina’s back to the class. Now Gina, please lift your right leg and Don will grab it behind the knee and hold it tight against his hip. Gina put your right hand behind Don’s neck. Both of you place your left hands down at your side with your fingers intertwined. This is excellent! Next Don please raise Gina’s leg just a little more so that we can get a better angle.” (Don smirked at Gina knowing what angle she was talking about.) “Students make sure to observe the curves and angles of their bodies as they press up against each other. They are a work of art by themselves but together they become something more. The lines of the human form are meant to be sensual and that is what you are trying to capture in your sketches. These poses are a way for you to break through and feel the sensual art of the human body. Gina raised her eyebrow at Don. It sounded like Missy was starting to get worked up already.

  Missy cleared her throat, “Let’s move along to the next pose. Don move over to the bed and kneel facing the class and sit back on your feet. Get on the bed and slowly move over him on your knees. Straddle one of his hips while on your knees pressing your body flush against Don. Place your hand on Gina’s ass to steady her. Next Gina I want you to reach your hand to hold Don’s cock and hold it in your hand gently. Grab her cheek like you are forcing her body against you while Gina gently holds you in the palm of her hand. Yes that’s it the eternal difference between hard and soft, male and female.” Missy moaned a little as she palmed her breasts through her silky top. “Nice job you two. I am sure there will be a lot of really good art work coming out of that pose.” Someone commented in the back, “Well at least a lot of cum.”

  Missy looked at the clock on the wall and said, “We need to move on to the next pose so that we can get through all four before break time. OK, Gina I know you are comfortable but we need you on your hands and knees on the bed with your side facing the class. Get behind her kneeling with one hand in the middle of her back and the other resting on her hip.” Missy smirked at the knowing looks of some of her students. “Yeah I know looks like the classic doggy style pose what is so new and different about that? The truth is that I purposely want you to think about some of the classic sexual poses and what positions the human body takes during those positions. Look deeper than the fact that it is a sexual position and look to the lines of the body. Are the muscles straining? Does your eye immediately focus on curves or angles? Do you look at their skin or their expressions? What do you really see?” It was very quiet after Missy stopped her questions and most of the students were lost in their sketches for once.

  Missy hated to interrupt the true art that she was seeing in the sketching around her but she had to keep the class on track. “For the final pose I want Gina to lie down on her back, arms stretched above her head with her hands clasped. Don will kneel between her spread thighs. One of her legs is bent, her foot flat on his chest and her thigh held by his hand. Her other leg is on the bed lightly bent at the knee curving around Don.” Missy took a big breath looking out over the class as she noticed many of them were affected by the scene in front of them. “How many of you wish it were you up there?” A few hands went up and there was some apparently embarrassed laughter. Missy couldn’t help approaching the bed under the guise of helping to adjust their postures. Her hands glance along their skin eliciting a gasp from Gina as she neared her wet throbbing center. A low moan out of Don indicated he wasn’t as unaffected as he pretended either. Their eyes met and they grinned as they looked forward to the second half of class.

  Break Time

  Lily walked up to the bed holding water for both of them. She was playfully running the cold water between her breasts. “You two have me all hot and bothered.” Gina grabbed her water from Lily with a roll of her eyes, “Ve
ry funny Lily.” Don got up off the bed smacking Lily on the ass before securing his towel and walking away to get a snack. Gina couldn’t believe how cool he was about all this. He didn’t seem at all ruffled about posing nude in front of the class and any of the other sexual “stuff”. Gina was lost in her thoughts about Don not realizing that Lily was trying to talk to her until she waved a hand in front of her face. “I know he has a hot body but don’t go crazy over him.” Gina was grateful for Lily’s reminder that this was a very well paying gig and one she wanted to get through without drama. Some of the students tried to talk to the models at every class session but Missy was very good about protecting their privacy and maintaining the distance between the students and the models.

  Missy got so hot and horny during this class. It wasn’t just watching the posing of the models or even the action among the students. What really got her off was that she was the one in charge. She was the one giving the direction. Their bodies were in those positions because she was the one that put them there. Don was a particular favorite of hers because he was hung! And that Gina had a certain innocence that was so very alluring. Missy looked around and noticed that everyone seemed occupied. She knew she would have to be quick but that would not be a problem today.

  She quickly walked to the bathroom and into the nearest stall locking it behind her. With her back against the door she stripped her panties off and lifted one foot onto the seat of the toilet. She didn’t stop to think about it because she was desperate to get herself off. Missy wasted no time and plunged two fingers immediately into her wet pussy. Her head turned to the side as she gave herself over to the sensation. Fingers fucking her faster and faster a thumb was pressing down on her throbbing clit. The only sounds in the bathroom were low groans and the wet nasty sounds of a well fucked pussy taking a hard finger fucking. She imagined it was her in front of the class and that they were all watching as she got herself off for them. She was so close to the edge she could feel it approaching like a storm wanting to envelope her completely and she wanted to take the leap and embrace it. A voice broke into her haze calling her name, “Missy are you in there? We are ready for class to start again.” That was all it took knowing they were all out there waiting for her she exploded in a huge orgasm her body shuddering and shaking as her fluids ran down her thigh and her fingers slowed. Missy tried to control her breathing hoping that she sounded in control when she called out, “I’ll be there in a minute. Tell the models to get ready for the first pose.”

  Class Participation

  Missy re-enters the classroom to see that the models are standing in front of the class already in pose one waiting for further instructions. “This is the part of class where we open it up for suggestions and comments. I am looking for suggestions on how we can improve upon the positions that the models are currently in so that we can inspire your sketches. You will notice that they are again standing in position with Gina’s leg being held tightly at Don’s hip. Gina’s hand is on Don’s neck and she is tilting her head up toward his. Their free hands are together at their sides with their fingers linked.” A lot of students started talking at the same time offering suggestions so Missy had to stop them and take the suggestions one by one asking the models to make the changes as they were mentioned unless she said otherwise.

  A tall red headed young woman at the side of the class spoke up, “I think it would be more realistic in this position if Don not only had her leg hooked over his arm but had his hand grabbing her ass. Otherwise his hand is just hanging there looking useless and it is unbalanced.” The models moved to make the changes and there was at least one groan from the students. “I want a piece of that when he gets done.” Another voice chimed in from the back, “Instead of looking up at him if she puts her cheek against his chest then she can be turned slightly sideways. See if that works. (They nodded that it would work.) OK, then Gina’s free hand should be holding onto Don’s bicep instead and that would free up Don’s other hand so that he can cup her pussy. I want to be able to look between her legs and see not only his hand holding her pussy but his hard cock.” Don and Gina settled into the changed positions and someone in the class sighed causing a few nervous giggles.

  Missy had to walk up to the pair to get their attention as they were locked together in a haze of arousal. She quietly suggested that it was time for the next post, “I see the class participation time is getting you two a little excited.” The models moved to the bed next to prepare for the next in the series of poses. Gina started to move across the bed on her knees but stopped suddenly when she got a very good view of Don’s now very hard and erect cock. Lily was straightening the bed but got Gina’s attention and winked at her mouthing, “Told you.” Gina shook her head and went about getting into position straddling Don’s hip on her knees while leaning over and palming his huge erection.

  As soon as they were in position a hand shot up. Missy smiled, “Yes Mark, you had a comment to make?” Mark took a deep breath and stood up. “I would think that Gina should get her hand wet and then stroke Don instead of just holding him. That would be more realistic and add more depth to the pose.” Gina looked over her shoulder at him with a small grin. “I also think that Don shouldn’t just hold onto her ass like that, I mean really that isn’t very realistic what guy would do just that.” There was a loud laugh from one of the students before Missy shushed him. Mark spoke up again, “Don should press her tight up against him pushing her into his shoulder reaching around her ass and pressing a finger inside her as she strokes him. It’s only fair after all.” With a smile and a huge tent in his pants Mark sat down. Another student spoke up “Can I volunteer to use my mouth to get him wet for her?” Missy glared at the student but Don shrugged as if to say he didn’t mind. Before anyone else could comment or do so much as move Gina had ducked her head down and engulfed Don’s entire cock in her hot mouth pumping up and down a couple times before releasing him with a pop and resuming her previous position with a smile. “Is that better?” The student in the class just looked on with wide eyes and slowly put her hand down her own panties rubbing furiously.

  Gina’s head dropped to Don’s shoulder as his fingers worked their magic inside her core. She stroked his hard as steel cock wishing he was inside of her and hoping that would happen before the class was over. She whimpered quietly as she tightened around his fingers earning her a low growl deep in his chest. He thrust a little into her hand trying not to give away how affected he was by this new model. If Gina kept up her sexy little noises he might not make it to the end of the class, and that would be a first for him. Don sighed with relief when Missy called the next pose.

  Gina and Don tried not to look at each other as they got into pose three which was essentially a doggy style pose. She would be on all fours on the bed and he would be on his knees behind her pressed up against her. Neither one knew how they were going to last without actually having sex. The class started right up. “It is so much hotter now that he is fully erect. And with her nipples so hard and you can tell her juices are flowing too makes the set up so much better. But it is the expressions on their faces that aren’t right.” Missy heard all these comments and didn’t interrupt while the students were sketching until the last comment. “Paisley what did you mean about their expressions?” She thought about it and then replied, “I can’t seem to get their expressions right. They don’t look like they are having sex, they actually look bored or something. Maybe if they …… “Missy looked at her in question. Paisley perked up again, “Yeah that’s it! Gina put your elbows and forearms on the bed turning your head toward the class so we can see your face. Don stay on your knee closest to the class but the leg furthest away from us move until your foot is on the bed and your knee is bent. Move that leg slightly forward and to the outside of Gina’s thigh so that you can brace yourself. Now take that nice hard cock of yours and slide it back and forth along Gina’s nice wet pussy. Those are the expressions we want to see on your face.” As the models changed pos
itions they could not hold back their moans as they slid against each other his hardness against her softness.

  As Gina looked out into the classroom she watched as a blonde female student in a short skirt bent over sucking the cock of the male student next to her while another female student knelt underneath her with her tongue buried in her pussy. Missy was busy bouncing reverse cowgirl style on the lap of one of the students in the front row. The sounds and the sights in front of her had her chasing after an orgasm that she wasn’t going to be able to stop. Not being able to stop she hoped that everyone was too busy to notice as she started to plead in a whisper. “Please just fuck me. I need it so bad stop teasing me and fuck me hard.” Don’s fingers tightened momentarily the only sign that he had heard her as he slowly pulled back enough to change the angle of his thrusts. Finally he was inside and they both held their breath. She felt so gloriously stretched and full. So was going to explode up here on this bed in front of the class with Don’s big cock inside her pussy and no one would ever know. She felt so dirty and used but that made everything better somehow. Pushing back against him Don got the message and started back again plunging back into her and taking her over the edge into bliss. His grunts as she clenched around him let her know that he wasn’t far behind.